孩子教育篇一:RCM 钢琴等级介绍及考试要求
实际上,RCM考级隶属于加拿大皇家音乐学院(The Royal Conservatory of Music),已有百余年历史,每年冬、春、夏季考三次。它和中国国内的音乐考级一样,分为不同科目和级别,要求演奏规定的曲目,而且有相应的考级教材出版。RCM考级所设级别从入门级(Preparatory)开始,有1-10(Grade1-Grade 10)级、表演证书(Performance)以及教师证书(可以从事相应科目的教学工作),是一个业余及专业音乐考试体系。。
RCM并不要求必须从某个级别开始考,因此考生可以根据自己的情况或者老师的建议选择参加考试的级别。我们的孩子参加RCM考试通常从低级别考级开始,除了要参加演奏考试之外,还要参加相应的理论考试。如下表所示,从演奏5级开始,考试者就被要求参加理论考试,若未能通过理论考试,演奏成绩再好也不能取得级别证书。在演奏考试中,除了要考已经准备好的曲目之外,考试还要考视唱练耳(Ear Tests)和视奏(Sight Reading)。当孩子取得一定级别证书后,可以用作学分而免修相应课程。不同的省对应的学分不同,更多详情请参考RCM官方网站。
一. RCM钢琴等级考试要求
钢琴等级 | Repertoire (曲目) | Studies/Etudes (练习曲) | Technical Tests 基本练习 (音阶、琶音、和弦演奏) | Ear Tests (视唱练耳) | Sight Reading (视奏) | Theory Co-requisite (乐理要求) | |
Grade 10 | One selection from List A: Works of J.S. Bach 12 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical Repertoire 14 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 10 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, early 20th century Repertoire 10 (1) One selection from List E: 20th and 20th century Repertoire 10 (1) | two studies/etudes from the Syllabus list | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments History 1: An Overview History 2: Middle Ages to Classical Intermediate Harmony or Intermediate Keyboard Harmony | ||
Preparatory A | Two selections from the Repertoire List, One selection of Teacher’s choice | No | Pentascales in: C, G, D major and A minor | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Preparatory B | Two selections from the Repertoire List, One selection of Teacher’s choice | No | Major keys: C, G, A, E and F major Minor keys: A, E and D minor-scales, pentascales, contrary motion scales and triads | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 1 | One selection from List A: Baroque and Classical Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Inventions 14 | one study or etude from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, G, F Minor keys: A, E, D Scales, staccato scales, contrary motion scale, chromatic scale and triads | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 2 | One selection from List A: Baroque and Classical Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Inventions 14 | one study or etude from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, G, F, B flat Minor keys: A, E, D, G Scales, staccato scales, parallel motion scales, contrary motion scale, chromatic scale, formula pattern scale, triads | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 3 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: G, D, F, B flat Minor keys: E, B, D, G Scales, staccato scales, parallel motion scales, chromatic scale, formula pattern scale, triads | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 4 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: D, A, B flat, E flat Minor keys: B, F#, G, C parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scale, chromatic scale, triads and tonic arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 5 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: A, E, E flat, A flat Minor keys: F#, C#, C, F – parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scale, triads, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | Basic Rudiments | |
Grade 6 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: G, E, F, A flat, D flat Minor keys: G, E, F, G#, C# – parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scale, chromatic scale, triads, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Intermediate Rudiments | |
Grade 7 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, D, A, E, B, B flat, E flat, G flat Minor keys: C, D, A, E, B, B flat, E flat, F#-parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scales, scales in octaves, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | None | |
Grade 8 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 12 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 12 (1) | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Pentascales in: C, G, D major and A minor | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments and Introductory Harmony (recommended) | |
Grade 9 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 12 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 12 (1) | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: ALL Minor keys: ALL-parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scales, scales in octaves, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments Basic Harmony or Basic Keyboard Harmony History 1: An Overview |
二. RCM考级的评分
RCM的评分采用百分制计分,通过分是60分,考级的通过率不低,但老师打分还是挺严格的,需要认真对待。通常只有一个考官,既要负责打分数和写评语,又要负责弹奏听音试题。不同级别的考试时间通常不同,越高级别的考试所需时间越长,比如五级一般要考15分钟左右,而八级则至少需要30分钟。每个考生按自己的意愿填好一张考试顺序的表格,并提交演奏作品的谱子给考官。考官不会接受复印件的,因此,通常现场考试考生会提交其使用的RCM教材给考官。 有些加拿大的钢琴老师会建议考生达到8级水平时再参加8级考试,主要是因为只有8级证书才有用(转高中11和12年级的学分),前面的等级证书基本没有什么用。不过其实钢琴考级不仅仅是为了证书,同时也是对孩子的一个鼓励,用实际成绩来证明他们的努力付出是获得认可的,同时也有助于家长对老师教学工作的督促,了解孩子的学习进度。我建议可以从5级开始考,然后再考6、8、9和10级,具体可以和钢琴老师及孩子沟通确定。
三. RCM考级的特点
1. 大部分级别考试不要求背谱。RCM考级只要求10级以上考试必须背谱演奏,而9级以下(含9级)则设立了背谱分数,且只对应那3-4首不同时期的曲目,而练习曲可以不背奏,基本练习则要背奏。
2. 要申请表演或教师级别考试的考生必须完成先10级的演奏考试,且总分在75或至少每个考试项目得到70%的分数。其中申请教师证书则年龄要在18岁以上,且至少有一年实际教学经验。
3. 每个级别的考试几乎都要准备两首练习曲,但是它们才占12分,每首6分。这也可以反映出RCM考级对基本演奏技术的重视不如国内考级要求高。从技术难度讲,对比RCM与国内考级相同级别的曲目设定,RCM考级除了10级以外对考级技术难度的要求要比国内同等级考试低1到2个级别。
4. 乐理知识对RCM考级同样很重要。乐理2级(Rudiments 2)要求考生在两个小时内,完成8页的习题,难度不低需要考生重视。
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多伦多市中心|Toronto Downtown
北约克|North York
怡陶碧谷| Etobicoke
密西沙加| Mississauga
奥克维尔| Oakville
万锦| Markham
旺市| Vaughan
列治文山| Richmond Hill
Aurora/Barrie/Newmarket/East Gwillimbury/Uxbridge
汉密尔顿| Hamilton
基奇纳、滑铁卢、剑桥| Kitchener, etc
伯林顿| Burlington
米尔顿| Milton
蒙特利尔 | Montreal
卡尔加里| Calgary
即将发售| Coming Soon
内部发售| VVIP Sales
尾盘在售| Final Sales
发售完毕| Sold Out
楼花转让| Assignments
Aspen Ridget Homes
Camrost Felcorp
CentreCourt Developments
Concord Adex
Elad Canada
Graywood Developments
Great Gulf
Lanterra Developments
Liberty Developments
Lifetime Developments
Mattamy Homes
Menkes Developments
Minto Group
Pinnacle International
Tribute Communities
Times Group
The Conservatory Group
The Daniels Corporation
The Remington Group
Primont Homes
Westdale Properties
Zancor Homes
House of Assembly Condos
多伦多Dufferin Grove社区
Perth & Sterling Rd
正在销售,$663,990 - $1,149,990
2024年1月开始入住 ...
466 Dovercourt Rd Condos
多伦多Dufferin Grove社区
Dovercourt & College
2026年开始入住 ...
The Twelve Hundred Condos
多伦多Trinity Bellwoods社区
Dundas St W & Ossington Ave
VVIP内部销售,$477,990 - $1,293,990
2024年1月开始入住 ...
Carvalo Condos
多伦多Dufferin Grove社区
Dovercourt Rd & College St
预计2024年开始入住 ...
Caledon Club Towns & Homes
Mayfield Rd & McLaughlin Rd
VVIP内部销售,$1,139,990 - $1,519,990
2025年秋开始入住 ...
Arbor West Homes & Towns
宾顿Northwest Brampton社区
Bovaird Dr W & Mississauga Rd
2026年开始入住 ...
Honeystone in Brampton
Mississauga Rd & Bovaird Rd
VVIP内部销售,$849,990 - $1,229,990
2025年开始入住 ...
Mayfield Village in Brampton
Mayfield Rd & Bramalea Rd
VVIP内部销售,$999,990 - $2,099,990
2024-2025年开始入住 ...
Bristol Place Condos
Main St N & Queen St W
VVIP内部销售,$552,900- $813,900
2027年11月开始入住 ...
Queens Lane
Queen St W & Mississauga Rd
VVIP内部销售,$1,379,990 - $1,511,990
2023年12月开始入住 ...
Bridle Trail Urban Towns
The Gore Rd. and Ebenezer Rd
VVIP内部销售, $1,049,900 - $1,070,900
2024年9月开始入住 ...
Duo Condos
Hurontario St & Steeles Ave W
VVIP内部销售,$451,900 - $818,900
2024年秋开始入住 ...
Lawrence Hill Towns
MV1 Condos
Britannia Rd & Tremaine Rd
VVIP内部销售,$490,990 - $746,990
2024年底开始入住 ...
NAVA Towns & Homes
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Burnhamthorpe Rd W & Sixth Line
VVIP内部销售,$1,199,999 - $1,559,999
2026年中开始入住 ...
South Lake Homes
奥克维尔Bronte West社区
Great Lakes Blvd & Rebecca St
VVIP内部销售,$2,309,900 - $2,769,900
2026年冬开始入住 ...
Northshore Towns in Burlington
King Rd & Plains Rd E
VVIP内部销售,$754,990 - $929,990
2025年秋开始入住 ...
Oakbrook Towns
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Burnhamthorpe Rd W & Sixth Line
VVIP内部销售,$1,019,900 - $1,529,900
2026年秋开始入住 ...
Distrikt Trailside Condos 2
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
VVIP内部销售,$499,900 - $599,900
2025年1月开始入住 ...
Distrikt Trailside Condos
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Neyagawa Blvd & Dundas St W
VVIP内部销售,$699,900 - $1,039,900
2024年夏开始入住 ...
Northshore Condos in Burlington
King Rd & Plains Rd E
VVIP内部销售,$593,490 - $1,008,990
2025年7月开始入住 ...
Uptown Oakville Towns
奥克维尔River Oaks社区
Dundas St E & Trafalgar
极少单位在售,$1,453,990 - $1,639,990
2024年秋开始入住 ...
Oakville Yards Condos
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
2028年9月开始入住 ...
The Crawford Urban Towns
Britannia Rd & Thompson Rd S
2023年3月开始入住 ...
East Preserve Oakville Homes
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas St & Sixth Line
2025年开始入住 ...
Oakpointe Homes & Towns
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas Street E & Eighth Line
VVIP内部销售,$1,209,990 - $1,344,990
2025年春开始入住 ...
Ivy Rouge Homes & Towns
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Burnhamthorpe Rd W & Sixth Line
2025年夏开始入住 ...
Preserve West Towns & Homes
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas & Neyagawa Blvd
正在销售,$1,041,990 - $1,890,440
2023年夏开始入住 ...
Millcroft Grove Homes
Appleby Line & Taywood Dr
VVIP内部销售,$2,549,900 - $2,759,900
2024年秋开始入住 ...
Gemini Condos
奥克维尔Old Oakville社区
Speers Rd & Kerr St
VVIP内部销售,$659,990 - $902,990
2026年1月开始收房 ...
Upper Joshua Creek
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Burnhamthorpe Rd E & Ninth Line
VVIP内部销售,独立屋$1,622,937 - $1,995,364
2024年开始入住 ...
Harbour Place Towns
奥克维尔Old Oakville社区
Lakeshore Road W & Kerr St
VVIP内部销售,$1,929,900 - $2,609,900
2023年7月开始入住 ...
Milton Village Towns & Homes
Britannia Rd & Tremaine Rd
2024年开始入住 ...
Clockwork Condos
奥克维尔Iroquois Ridge North社区
Dundas St & Ninth Line
三期VVIP内部销售,$498,990 - $866,990
2026年3月开始入住 ...
Shore Club Luxury Towns
奥克维尔Bronte West社区
Lakeshore Rd W & East St
VVIP内部销售,$2,125,000 - $2,250,000
2024年秋开始入住 ...
Distrikt Trailside Towns
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Neyagawa Blvd & Dundas St W
VVIP内部销售,$1,449,900 - $1,649,900
2024年3月开始入住 ...
The Villages of Oak Park Condos
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
2026年9月开始入住 ...
North Oak Condos 4
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
VVIP内部销售,$661,900 - $1,070,900
2025年10月开始入住 ...
The Deane Condos
奥克维尔Old Oakville社区
Kerr St & Deane Ave
只要10%定金,$774,890 - $1,782,507
2025年春开始入住 ...
Jasper Village in Milton
Derry Rd & Ontario Street S
VVIP内部销售,$1,534,990- $1,559,990
2023年开始入住 ...
Upper Joshua Creek Towns
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas & Ninth Line
正在销售,$1,009,990 - $2,273,146
2023年夏开始入住 ...
Oak & Co Condos 4
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
2023年4月开始入住 ...
Oak & Co Condos 3
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
最后几套在售,$999,254 - $1,222,930
2022年12月开始入住 ...
Oak & Co Condos 1 & 2
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
2022年7月开始入住 ...
The Post Condos
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Postridge Dr & Dundas St E
VVIP内部销售,$573,900 - $939,900
2024年9月开始入住 ...
Nautique Lakefront Residences
Martha St & Lakeshore Rd
VVIP内部销售,$695,990 - $919,990
2024年1月开始入住 ...
The Greenwich Condos
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Dundas St E & Trafalgar Rd
VVIP内部销售,$743,900 - $1,649,900
2025年3月开始入住 ...
Illumina Condos
Brock Avenue & Ontario St
尾盘在售, $825,000 - $1,575,000
2022年9月开始入住 ...
The Butler Condos
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas St W & Sixth Line
正在销售,$694,990 - $963,990
2023年10月开始入住 ...
Oak & Co Lofts
奥克维尔Uptown Core社区
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
VVIP内部销售,LOFT单位$1,189,999 - $2,028,999
2022年夏开始入住 ...
Oakville Ravine Towns
奥克维尔Old Oakville社区
Hwy 403和Trafalgar Rd
2023年9月开始入住 ...
The Bronte Condos Oakville
奥克维尔West Oak Trails社区
Bronte Rd & Pine Glen Rd
尾盘在售,$559,990 - $949,990
2023年4月开始入住 ...
Martha James Condos Burlington
Martha & James St
2024年6月开始入住 ...
The Wilmot Condos
奥克维尔Rural Oakville社区
Dundas St & Eighth Line
极少单位在售,$985,900 - $1,145,900
2025年春开始入住 ...
The Branch Condos
奥克维尔West Oak Trails社区
Dundas St & Bronte Rd
极少单位在售,$835,900 - $1,088,900
2023年4月开始入住 ...
Connectt Condos in Milton
Derry Rd W & Ontario St S
VVIP内部销售,$467,990 - $879,990
2025年秋开始入住 ...
The Millhouse Condos
密尔顿Old Milton社区
Ontario St S & Main St E
C栋VVIP内部销售,$564,990 - $1,200,990
二期2025年5月开始入住 ...
Realm Condos
Thomas Alton Blvd & Valera Rd
尾盘在售,$654,990 - $965,990
2024年7月开始入住 ...
Glen Ashton Estates
Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E
尾盘在售,$1,989,990 - $2,250,000
2020年开始入住 ...
5North Condos
奥克维尔West Oak Trails社区
Proudfoot Trail & Dundas St W
正在销售,$575,990 - 791,990
2024年开始入住 ...
Valera Condos 2
Thomas Alton Blvd & Valera Rd
正在销售,$579,000 - $714,990
2022年12月开始入住 ...
Gallery Condos and Lofts
Brant St & James St
正在销售,$659,000 - $959,000
2022年5月开始入住 ...
Curate Towns by The Lake
柏林顿 Appleby社区
Lakeshore Rd & Burloak Dr
正在销售,$1,061,990 - $1,191,990
2020年开始入住 ...
Berkshire Residences
奥克维尔Old Oakville社区
Trafalgar Rd & Lakeshore Rd E
正在销售,$779,990 - $2,136,990
2022年秋开始入住 ...
Glen Abbey Encore by Country Wide Homes
奥克维尔West Oak Trails社区
Bronte Rd & Upper Middle Rd
VVIP内部销售,$1,669,990 - $1,929,990
2022年3月开始入住 ...
Glen Abbey Encore by Primont
奥克维尔West Oak Trails社区
Bronte Rd & Upper Middle Rd
VVIP内部销售,$1,489,990 - $1,574,990
2021年10月开始入住 ...